Gilba Solutions Pty Ltd – sports turf consultants
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As independent Sydney based sports turf consultants we carry out sports turf assessments using the latest GPS technology to produce the best possible sports turf surfaces.
Shade has a negative impact on turf health. So with the use of LED grow light technology means turf managers are able to produce a higher quality surface in shade situations.
Vertmax® and Vertmax Duo® are the premium turf pigments and colourants on the Australian market. These give an immediate natural green colouration.
We offer independent soil and water testing.
As sports turf consultants we access the latest plant genetics out of Europe and the USA. We deal with many of the world’s best turf seed producers.
Good air movement results in good turf health. If you do not have this, then turf will struggle and decline in quality. Turf fans guarantee good air movement all the year round no matter where they are in use.
Soil surfactant technology is always improving and our range has been independently trialled at some of the world’s foremost Universities.
Omne Turf sensors offer an all-in-one micro weather station and monitoring system. Weighing only 400g, they carry up to 60 different sensor configurations. Realtime monitoring of your climate, light levels, soil and water.
Nutrition is the key to healthy turfgrass.
We supply a large range of turf chemicals for all your needs as turf managers.
Independent Sports Turf Consultants.
Jerry Spencer established Gilba Solutions in 2013 as a Sydney-based independent sports turf consultant.
Gilba Solutions provides independent sports turf consulting services in Australia. We provide sports turf solutions for all aspects of turf management to produce the best possible sports turf surface.
Our clients include sports facilities, sports grounds, turf producers, turf managers, Local Government Authorities, and Universities.
Since 2013, we have grown to become wholesalers of agricultural products and suppliers of professional sports turf products.
Our product range includes soil-wetting agents, turf fertilisers, grass seed, turf pigments, turf chemicals and pest control products. New grass seed varieties include the US varieties Slugger 3GL and Intense perennial ryegrass, both of which were top cultivars in the 2021 NTEP trials. We also have Reserve 2 which is a winter active perennial ryegrass out of NZ.
New Innovations.
- Alzon Neo-N 46. European Dual inhibited N. Umaxx at a lower cost!
- Sirlflor a long term non burning slow release fertilizer;
- Vertmax Duo the most advanced turf pigment on the market.
- Scrubwet penetrant;
- Voltage MSO – improve your pesticide performance in weather extremes
- Warhead Trio herbicide. An alternative to Bow and Arrow and Spearhead herbicides;
- Tribute Selective herbicide;
- Manta Ray pH buffer;
- Cortex Duo knockdown and residual total herbicide – THE glyphosate alternative;
- Proforce Recondo 100WG herbicide, a Monument herbicide alternative;
- Proforce Duke 100WG herbicide, a Destiny herbicide alternative;
- Lexicon Intrinsic is an innovative turfgrass fungicide with plant health benefits;
- Segway pythium fungicide is the best option for pythium disease;
- ProForce Pistol Fungicide and
- ProForce Scarlet Trio for the control of seven turfgrass pests, including ground pearl.
Recent Weed Profiles.
- Sowthistle.
- Horse Purslane.
- Bittercress.
- Painted Spurge.
- Stinkvine.
- Minnieroot.
- Amaranthus.
- Praxelis.
- Tridax Daisy.
- Cobblers Peg.
- Blue Heliotrope.
- Oriental False Hawkweed.
- Pigweed.
- Dock.
- Buchan Weed.
- Mossman River Grass
Our philosophy.
Our philosophy is that as sports turf consultants and turf agronomists, there is a need for the best possible information to make decisions.
We are independent turf consultants and have no affiliations with any other companies. As part of this philosophy we have a regular turf blog and an ongoing R and D program.
Turf blog topics
- Managing Insecticide resistance.
- The Identification and Management of scarab beetles in turf.
- Not all granular gypsum is the same.
- The impacts of Climate Change on weed control.
- New research into biostimulants and bioactive compounds.
- We have updated our Weed Identification chart with treatment options, new weed ID photos and lots of other good stuff.
- Urease Inhibitors in Turf.
- Nitrication Inhibitors in Turf.
- Turf fungicides and their link to thatch.
- Potassium Fertilizers. Whats available.
- How water quality effects ethephon efficacy as a seedhead suppressant.
- Biostimulants in turfgrass. Part 2 of this blog.
- The importance of blue light for turfgrass in shade;
- DIY pest control
- Soil wetting agents and soil organic matter
- Salicylic acid for plants
- Research into the use of green grass paint and turf pigments on golf greens
- What do indicator weeds tell us about the soil?
- Soil wetting agent research 2022/2023
- Factors that can affect turf herbicide performance
- Mediterranean vs Continental turf type ryegrass
- Identifying and managing Ground Pearl;
- Identifying and managing Pythium;
- Lawn fungicides;
- Fungicide resistance;
- A free herbicide resistance chart
- Spray adjuvants for sports turf;
- New granular pre emergent herbicides;
- Sulfonylurea herbicides;
- Flood management for turfgrass;
- Overseeding and successfully transitioning warm season turf;
- Research into the best soil wetting agent on the market;
- The science of soil aeration;
- Reasons for pre-emergent failure;
- Turf combination fungicides.
- Generic vs branded Turfgrass chemicals;
- How to control nutgrass;
- How to choose the best fertiliser;
- How to manage turf in shade;
- Turfgrass disease identification;
- The use of biostimulants in turfgrass; How biostimulant use in turfgrass can produce better turf.
- How to use pre emergent herbicides;
- How to control winter grass;
- How turf pigments work;
- Using turf fungicides preventatively;
- How to effectively use light;
Case Studies
Our case study section covers topics such as blue green algae control and when is soil aeration required for high quality turf?
For more information about our professional sports turf consulting services, please contact us.
- 2013 Jerry Spencer establishes Gilba Solutions as a Sydney-based independent sports turf consultant.
- 2019 made the Australian agent for SeeGrow Turf Grow Lights and Turf Fans.
- 2020 accepted onto the NSW Local Government Procurement Panel (LGP), the tender body for Local Government Authorities in NSW.
- 2021 are appointed to the ACT Government Authority seed panel and launched Vertmax Duo advanced turf pigment.
- 2023 licence production of the advanced pigment Vertmax Duo to Prograss Bio for manufacture and distribution in the UK and Europe.
- 2024 Gilba Solutions sponsors the IGFH 2024 Turf Pesticides Manual.