Gazania is a weed in turf and lawns

Gazania (Gazania linearis)

Gazania is a member of the Daisy (Asteraceae) family and has large clumps of yellow, and orange flowers. These are present from winter through spring to early summer.

After you finish reading this you will be able to:

  • Identify Gazania sp.

  • Know its habitat.

  • Know the best options for control.

These plants are annuals in cool climates, and in warmer climates, they are short-lived perennials. Gazania is an environmental weed in VIC, TAS and SA. In parts of WA and NSW it is an emerging or potential environmental weed.

Gazania flowers are light-sensitive and the flowers close up at night and on cloudy days. This is called nyctinasty.

It spreads by short, underground stems, and is very tolerant of frost, drought and saline soils.

More information on weeds is in our Weed ID Chart.


Gazania Identification.

It is a drought-tolerant perennial herb with a system of shallow-rooted rhizomes.

Flowers: The plants flower from June to December, and are yellow or orange.

Leaf shape: Lanceolate, Linear, Lobed

Leaf edge: Entire, Lobate

Height: Up to 30 cm

Leaf length: They are long and thin and measure 5-10 cm long

Leaf width: 3-20 mm.

Reproduction: Gazania spreads by seed, and also spreads vegetatively.

Comments: The leaves are bright green to dark green or silver on top, and very hairy underneath.  An average plant produces over large numbers of seeds. It spreads by animals, water and human activity.

Habitat: Often seen in disturbed sandy areas such as roadsides and coastal dunes and prefers exposed and sunny sites. It is thought to have allelopathic properties.




How to remove Gazania from your lawn.

Both cultural and chemical control will remove gazania from your lawn and turfgrass.

Cultural control:

Hand pull or use a weeding tool. It is important to remove all roots and dispose of them to avoid regrowth. You should bag off the flower heads, and then remove them off site. Be aware that the flower heads can still develop into mature flower heads, that produce masses of viable seed.

Chemical control:

Currently nothing is registered for selective Gazania control in turf. Your only options are too use the non selective herbicide, glyphosate. If you are using glyphosate and have water quality concerns we recommend you use ProForce Manta Ray.