Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)
This weed is also known as Morning Glory. Field Bindweed competes with turf for sunlight, moisture and nutrients. It also tends to choke out other plants.
After you read this, you will be able to:
Identify Field Bindweed or Morning Glory.
Know the habitat of Bindweed.
Know the best options to control Morning Glory.
Field Bindweed is a good indicator of unhealthy low-fertility such as calcium and phosphorus or drought stressed soils. It also indicates an excess of potassium. More on turf weeds is in our weed ID chart.
Morning Glory is a long-lived perennial plant. It has creeping stems and is prostrate until it comes into contact with other plants or barriers. This weed has an extensive system of rhizomes that can grow deep into the soil.
Reproduction is vegetatively from roots, rhizomes, and stem fragments and a plant can spread 2-3 metres in a growing season. It is a big seed producer. An average plant produces over 500 seeds, which can lie dormant for up to 20 years as the seed coat becomes waterproof after a month. Interestingly, if you damage this seed coat by scarifying, it causes 100% germination. This is in contrast to a germination rate of only 5–25% of freshly collected field Bindweed seeds. It spreads by animals, water and human activity.
How to Identify Field Bindweed.
How to control Field Bindweed.
The first step in cultural control is feeding turf. Field bindweed does not compete well in a healthy dense turf area. Apply enough nitrogen, irrigate and mow at the right height. Hand weeding is a waste of time. It doesn’t work because of the extensive and deep rhizome system that enables this weed to regrow.
Pre-emergents do not work on field bindweed or Morning Glory. Best results are with post-emergents.