sports turf consultants

The Gilba Solutions Turf blog is written by our Head Agronomist Jerry Spencer. It covers a range of turfgrass science, and lawn care topics. As independent Sydney based turf agronomists and sports turf consultants we love the science behind turfgrass.

Turfgrass science.

Turfgrass Science is the study of grasses, soils, water and pests, in order to produce the best quality turf surfaces. The Gilba turf blog covers:


Weed profiles.


Case Studies.

We also have a Case Study Section that may be of interest that covers topics such as dealing with blue green algae or when to aerate sports turf.



Recent Blogs.

Plant Biostimulant Research. 50

Plant Biostimulant Research. 50

Plant Biostimulant Research. Turf managers in Australia are under pressure to produce high quality surfaces within a budget. As well as this, sports...

Urease inhibitors. 48

Urease inhibitors. 48

Urease inhibitors. This is the second blog on slow-release fertilizers: nitrogen stabilizers in turf. The first is on nitrification inhibitors and...

Nitrification Inhibitors. 47

Nitrification Inhibitors. 47

Nitrification inhibitors. This is the first part of our blog on slow release fertilizers: nitrification inhibitors (NI) in turf. The second covers...

Potassium Fertilizers. 45

Potassium Fertilizers. 45

Potassium Fertilizers. We discuss the role of potassium in grass. How do you add potassium to your lawn? What potassium plant fertilizers are...

Ethephon. 44

Ethephon. 44

Tech note - getting the best results from ethephon The pH of your spray tank water impacts results when you use ethephon plant growth regulator for...

Biostimulant use in turf. 43

Biostimulant use in turf. 43

This article is the second part of our blog on biostimulant use in turf. In this, we discuss the role of Trichoderma fungae and Mycorrhiza. Both of...

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