sports turf consultants

The Gilba Solutions Turf blog is written by our Head Agronomist Jerry Spencer. It covers a range of turfgrass science, and lawn care topics. As independent Sydney based turf agronomists and sports turf consultants we love the science behind turfgrass.

Turfgrass science.

Turfgrass Science is the study of grasses, soils, water and pests, in order to produce the best quality turf surfaces. The Gilba turf blog covers:


Weed profiles.


Case Studies.

We also have a Case Study Section that may be of interest that covers topics such as dealing with blue green algae or when to aerate sports turf.



Recent Blogs.

Perennial Rye Improvements.

Perennial Rye Improvements.

I still Drive a 38 Year Old EH Holden Because Cars Never Change. In this blog, we delve into improvements in sports turf perennial ryegrass seed....

Broadleaf Weed Control in Autumn

Broadleaf Weed Control in Autumn

Broadleaf Weed Control in Autumn. As Autumn approaches and at the same time cooler temperatures, Gilba Solutions have put together this free guide....

Turf nutrient management

Turf nutrient management

Turf Nutrient Management.This is the second article on Turf nutrient management. We now discuss a factual, unbiased outline of your options. No...

Scarab Beetle. 53

Scarab Beetle. 53

Scarab Beetle. Sadly, people often class every adult scarab beetle or Curl grub they see as a “bad guy’. This is far from the truth, and every...

Insecticide resistance. 54

Insecticide resistance. 54

Preventing Insecticide Resistance. A key tool for Turf Managers are Insecticides to prevent or minimize insect damage to Turfgrass, and preventing...

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