Recondo 100WG Turf Herbicide

Recondo herbicide contains 100g/Kg of trifloxysulfuron and is a FRAC Group 2 herbicide which also contains the Destiny herbicide alternative called Duke herbicide. It is a Monument herbicide alternative and being a generic Monument herbicide it contains trifloxysulfuron. This is the same active as in Monument Liquid herbicide and Monument 75WG herbicide. This means it has all the benefits of the granular formulation but at the low use rates of the liquid.

Recondo 100WG herbicide is available in 100g and 500g pack sizes which means you can purchase this in the right size for the area that you need to treat.

Recondo turf herbicide is a generic Monument herbicide

Recondo Herbicide is a Monument herbicide alternative and contains the Group 2 sulfonylurea herbicide trifloxysulfuron. This group also contains Tribute herbicide and Duke herbicide. Here is the Tribute herbicide Label and the Duke herbicide label. It gives post-emergent control of a range of broadleaf and grass weeds and sedges. It also suppresses Kikuyu grass and Bahia Grass seed heads in warm season grasses.

Benefits of Recondo Herbicide


Application timing and Rates of Recondo turf Herbicide.

Recondo turf herbicide has long lasting activity and rarely requires repeat applications apart from on Kikuyu grass. For the suppression of Kikuyu grass, make 2 applications 21 to 28 days apart. You will get the best results from autumn applications.

  • The best time for Kikuyu grass suppression is in Autumn, so aim to apply around the end of March. A repeat application should then be made around 4 weeks later at the end of April.
  • To get the best results against wintergrass or ryegrass, apply when plants are actively growing. The reason for this is that the chemical needs to be taken up by leaves, shoots and roots of target weeds.
  • For information on factors affecting herbicide performance.

Aim to apply to thoroughly cover the leaves and shoots when you apply Recondo. For best results wash the product off the leaves and into the soil to promote root uptake for complete systemic action.

For full usage details, please consult the product label.

Mixing and compatibility of Recondo Herbicide.

Recondo 100 WG can be tank mixed with Amigo 120 trinexapac-ethyl, Specticle herbicide and Barricade herbicide.

Observe the mixing instructions for Recondo herbicide with regard to water pH and the addition of a non-ionic surfactant (add a non-ionic spray adjuvant at 0.25-0.42% v/v).

Due to the “sticky” nature of Recondo Herbicide we recommend the use of Tank Aid to remove any residual. 



Schedule: No schedule
Product Form: Water dispensable granule (WDG)
Pack size: 100g and 500g
Weed: Kikuyu Grass, Mullumbimby Couch, Nutgrass, Ryegrass, White Clover, Wintergrass, Cotula, Curled Dock and Burr Medic,
Application Rate: 75g-2Kg per Ha
Active Ingredient: 100g/Kg Trifloxysulfuron sodium
Spectrum: Broad Spectrum
Mobility Type: Systemic
Activity: Post-Emergent
Water volume: Place the product as evenly as possible onto leaves and into crowns. The Ideal water volume is 400-800L/ha. Only use coarse spray nozzles.
Rainfast: 3 hours after application
Re-entry period: Allow to dry
Reseeding: Allow at least 6 weeks between the last application and overseeding with cool season grasses for winter cover.
Best water pH: pH 7 and above (alkali)

If you have specific questions or concerns about the use of this generic Monument herbicide, Recondo, we recommend you consult with a qualified turf consultant or turf agronomist.

Recondo Herbicide Label

Recondo Herbicide SDS

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