This is Bindii also known as Onehunga and Jo-Jo weed
distribution of bindii or onehunga in Australia

Bindii (Soliva sessilis).

Bindii is also called Jo-Jo Weed or Onehunga. It is infamous for its tiny sharp-pointed seeds and favours compact soils. For more information, please check out our weed ID chart. Bindii is a good indicator weed of compact soils.

 After you finish reading this, you will be able to:

  • Identify bindii, Jo-Jo or Onehunga.
  • Know the habitat of Bindii.
  • Know the best cultural and chemical options to control Jo-Jo.


Onehunga is a low-growing, fast-spreading annual weed that appears from May to October. The seeds sit dormant in the soil from the previous year and then germinate. The distribution Map is courtesy of The Living Atlas of Australia.

Young plants have a low-forming rosette, and the leaves look like carrot or parsley leaves. As the plant matures, the stems laterally spread and produce small yellow flowers. These then form seed heads that contain the small spiky seeds. At this stage, the seeds are prone to transport by machinery, pets, foot traffic and pets.

As the new growing season arrives and temperatures increase, the plants die out. This results in hard spiny prickles that tend to drop early to mid-summer. Bindii can cause bindii dermatitis, which is an irritant contact dermatitis thar results from injury by the seed.

The best control of Onehunga occurs when you treat it as soon as you see it and before the spiky seeds form. Bindii generally appears in the Autumn through to the Winter.



Bindii Identification.

Onhunga is a low-growing and fast-spreading weed.

Category: Broadleaf (Dicot).

Flower: Onehunga has small, bright yellow flowers.

Height: It grows up to 50mm in height.

Reproduction: Bindii reproduces by seed.

Comments: Onehunga spreads up to 150mm and has small, parsley-like feathery leaves.

Habitat: Jo-Jo is a good indicator of soil problems. It thrives in full sun or partial shade in compact, stressed, worn, or bare areas.






How to remove Bindii from your lawn.

Both cultural and chemical control will remove Bindii from your lawn and turfgrass.



Cultural control.

Hand pull or use a weeding tool. As it favours compact soils, a compaction relief program helps to manage this weed. Also, bear in mind that keeping N up to your turf helps deter this weed, so make sure you fertilize properly.



Chemical control of Bindii.

Several post-emergents are available for Bindii control. We recommend Duke 100WG, Warhead Trio, Casper Herbicide and Contra M. (Do not use Contra M and Casper on Buffalo grass). Treatment is best over the entire area rather than spot treating. Bindii is dead 7-10 days after spraying.

Non selective options include Glyphosate (Rapid Fire 800). If you use this and water quality is an issue then we recommend the use of ProForce Manta Ray.