Creeping oxalis (Oxalis corniculata).
Creeping oxalis has stolons that that creep above the ground, and may be up to 60 mm long. The stems are light green to reddish purple, hairy, and slightly succulent. Trifoliate leaves alternate along these stems.
The leaves have a lemony flavor and are often made into tea that’s rich in vitamin C. However, if ingested in large amounts the oxalic acid for which the genus is named can begin to block the body’s calcium absorption.
This discusses the cultural and chemical options to remove Creeping oxalis from your lawn and turf areas.
How to Identify Creeping oxalis.
How to remove Creeping oxalis from your lawn.
Cultural control of Creeping oxalis:
- The deep tap root means if you hand weed, and leave any plant material behind in the soil it regrows.
- Under close mowing it assumes a prostrate growth habit.
Chemical control of Creeping oxalis.
There are several turf herbicides that control Yellow Wood Sorrel. As Creeping oxalis is difficult to wet, we suggest you use Optispread 1000 to ensure good herbicide contact with the target weed.
Pre Emergent Herbicides for Creeping Oxalis.
Post Emergent Control of Creeping Oxalis.
- Dicamba. Do not use on Buffalo Grass.
- Pylex
- Warhead Trio. Safe on Buffalo.
- Stature Herbicide. Not for use in the home garden.
- Recondo Herbicide. Do not use on Buffalo Grass.
- Weed Blast MA. Safe on Buffalo.
- Contra M. Do not use on Buffalo Turf
- Duke Herbicide. Safe on most Buffalo varieties.
Non Selective Control of Creeping oxalis.
- Glyphosate. If you use Glyphosate and water quality is an issue then we recommend the use of ProForce Manta Ray.
- Cortex Duo.
- Numchuk Quad.
- Renegade.