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Spray Adjuvants.

Spray adjuvants increase the effectiveness and improve the results of spray applications. Herbicide adjuvants are in common use but spray adjuvants can be used with many turf chemicals and fertilisers.

  • They wet surfaces faster.
  • Give a more even distribution of the product on the target.
  • Increase spray retention on the turf surface of your turf to assist with foliar uptake of products.


What are spray tank adjuvants?

Spray tank adjuvants, and herbicide adjuvants are compounds that you add to a tank mix to aid a chemical’s mixing, application, or how well it works.

Spray adjuvants for turf include herbicide adjuvants and specialty spray adjuvants like tank buffers, anti-drift agents, anti foam products and spray stickers. Often wetting agents you add these to herbicides to give better results.

Some formulations such as (Rapid Fire® – Glyphosate) already include a spray adjuvant or they may be stand-alone herbicides adjuvants that you add to a tank mix. The use of spray adjuvants is common in Sydney and Canberra due to the unique climates that turf managers face.

The use of herbicide adjuvants can counter issues with hot dry weather, that affect herbicide performance, and some lower a spray tank pH so that some herbicides work better.

Spray adjuvants are in regular use in the turf industry. For example a non-ionic surfactant is recommended with Proforce Duke® herbicide, or Recondo herbicides. Both of these are sulfonylurea herbicides, and so the use these with a herbicide adjuvant means that you get the best possible coverage. 

At the end of this article is a list of pesticide adjuvants to use with turf products. Check these links out for more information on soil adjuvants and Soil wetting agents. For more detailed information on what adjuvants you should use with which turf chemical see this Turf Chemical Guide.


Do spray tank adjuvants work?

The simple answer is yes, but only if you use the right one. For an example of how effective herbicides adjuvants can be, I’m going to use Quinclorac the active in Quinstar

Zawierucha in 1998: 

  • Quinclorac without an adjuvant failed to provide control of Sowthistle;
  • All adjuvants give better control with Quinclorac except for a modified polysiloxane. So Pulse penetrant isn’t the best tank mix partner with this.


Woznica, Z et al 2003 looking at how well quinclorac works when you mix it with nonionic surfactants, and methylated seed oil (MSO), be measuring the spray pH, and the salts present in spray water. 

  • Quinclorac works nearly twice as well on Green Foxtail when you increase the spray mixture pH from 2.6 to 7.3.




The benefits of spray tank adjuvants:

  • First, they help with product mixing;
  • Second, with a surfactant for herbicide, you get better contact with plant tissue and so better spray coverage;
  • Spray tank buffers can alter the water chemistry to improve chemical efficacy;
  • Third, herbicide adjuvants for turf increase the rate of chemical movement through the leaves and stomata;
  • Spray adjuvants for turf increase the safety of a chemical by increasing its selectivity; and
  • With the use of spray adjuvants for turf, you can reduce the rate of a chemical by up to 5-10 times and so reduce costs. Spray adjuvants cost a lot less than turf chemicals and a USA study shows that using these can result in a 40% reduction in costs.


Hence, using a spray adjuvant will in many cases improve how well a turf chemical works, although in some situations adding a spray adjuvant will not improve control. The graph below shows how adding a spray tank adjuvant improves the performance of Azoxystrobin.

Thanks to the USDA Agricultural Research Service for these videos, that clearly show how using the right spray tank adjuvant can improve movement into a leaf.

The Negatives of using Spray Adjuvants.

Spray tank adjuvants can also have negative effects. Firstly, they can reduce how well a chemical works. Besides this they can also increase the life of chemicals or even be dangerous themselves. This is the case with the carrier in many Glyphosate formulations. In fact there is no perfect adjuvant that makes all turf chemicals perform better in all situations.


History of spray tank adjuvants.

In January 2013 the APVMA released data for chemical use by dollar value, and you can see the 2020-21 figures below. In short, both the number and the value of adjuvant sales show huge increases. When these were first introduced despite having little supporting data, some pretty big efficacy claims were made when using these as surfactants for herbicides. At first they were simple soaps, as well as vegetable, and petroleum-based oils. As a result of a significant amount of investment there have been major advances in discovering how these work, as well as the results from using them.


Product type No of products 2013 Total Sales $m 2013 No of products 2020-21 Total Sales $m 2020-21
Adjuvants/surfactants 375 83.5 438 139.6
Fungicides 703 218.1 1165 351.7
Herbicides 2,420 1302.7 3927 2244
Insecticides 1,166 425.8 1588 458

How to get the best results from Spray Adjuvants.

Spray adjuvants have several modes of action. They increase the retention, spread, and movement of chemicals into plants, and also have the ability to effect spray droplet size. There are three classes on the market.


Activator Spray Tank Adjuvants.

These improve the performance of a chemical. They can for example increase chemical ingestion. Surfactants, crop oils, crop oil concentrates (COCs), vegetable oils, methylated seed oils (MSOs), petroleum oils, Nitrogen fertilizers, and silicone derivatives, all fall into this class.

Spray Modifiers.

Spray modifiers include spray stickers, spreaders, and drift control agents. These change the physical nature of a spray solution.

Utility Spray Tank Adjuvants.

Ultility adjuvants include products like anti foam, spray buffers, and water conditioners. These increase the range of conditions where you can use a turf chemical.

Spray Adjuvants in turf

Activator Adjuvants

Utility Adjuvants






Water conditioner

Surfactants (Spreader 90LFor Scrubwet)



COC's or MSO's

Anti-foam (Foam Aid)

Crystalline AS or Manta Ray


These are the most common group of spray adjuvants for turf. The term Surfactants comes from SURFace ACTive ageNTS, and they reduce a spray solutions surface tension and how it behaves. These are often in use as herbicide adjuvants for weed sprays. The reason for this is that if you lower the surface tension, the product spreads out and covers the leaf, rather than beading up on the surface.

The surface tension of water is 72 dynes/cm, and surfactants will reduce the surface tension of a spray down to 20-30 dynes/cm. This reduction in surface tension allows more uptake as the spray stays in contact with the leaf surface for longer. This is why you use a surfactant for herbicides like Duke herbicide, Recondo herbicide or Tribute Selective herbicide.

Examples of non ionic surfactants include EO-PO Block copolymers, organo-silicones, and alkylpolyglucosides (APG).




A surfactant for herbicides allowing the chemical to spread on a leaf surface. Image courtesy of Croda

They can also influence uptake by changing the viscosity, and structure of leaf and stem waxes, and so make it easier for a herbicide to enter the plant.


How Surfactants work.

  • Allow more uniform spread over the leaf surface.
  • Increase the sticking of a spray on the target plant.
  • Increase chemical movement past leaf hairs etc.
  • Prevent spray deposit crystallization and
  • Increase the drying time and water retention of a spray.


Several environmental conditions affect spray results. Key amongst these are:

  • The nature of the target plant.
  • Any interactions between the surfactant and a chemical.


The balance between the hydrophilic (water-soluble) and lipophilic (oil soluble) components is called the Hydrophillic –Lipophilic Balance (HLB).

When you use a spray adjuvant, it is best to use a lipophilic adjuvant with a lipophilic chemical and vice versa. Oil soluble herbicides work best with herbicide adjuvants that have an HLB of 1 to 10. In contrast water soluble herbicides work best with surfactants with an HLB of 10 to 20.

Table showing HLB range for spray adjuvants

Herbicides: Group A: Destro

Group B: Metric 


Herbicides: Rapid Fire, Exonerate, Duke, Monument, Coliseum.

Fungicides: Voltar

Adjuvant type

 MSO                       Spray oils (2-5% surfactant)

Crop oil concentrates (15-20% surfactant) 

NIS & Manta Ray



















HLB value

Lipophilic (oil soluble)

Water dispersible

Hydrophilic (water soluble)


wetter/ spreader


water in oil emulsifier

oil in water emulsifier

Appearance in water

no dispersion

             unstable milky dispersion

                          see through to clear dispersion

Poor dispersion

Stable milky dispersion

Clear solution

There are three main types of spray adjuvants for turf: These are nonionic (no charge), anionic (negative charge), and cationic surfactants (positive charge). Both anionic and cationic surfactants are not often used on turf, and are more often used as wetting agents for weed sprays.

Nonionic Surfactants as spray tank adjuvants

Non ionic surfactants are the most common of these. As well as being hydrophilic (water-loving), as they have no ionic charge they do not have a negative effect on a spray mix. All spray wetters, spray spreaders, and organosiloxanes are in this class. Nonionic surfactants reduce the surface tension of a spray solution, and also change the nature of a leaf surface by impacting the leaf cuticle.

Organosiloxanes, like the Pulse alternative Proforce Scrubwet®, when used as a surfactant for herbicides, reduce the surface tension and form a thin layer on the leaf surface. Due to their unique properties, these are often included as wetting agents for weed sprays. Spray solutions move through the stomata, and they also influence the amount of chemical that passes through the cuticle. This super spreading property also makes them nearly impossible to wash off a leaf surface even if it rains after application.

Work shows that an organosilicone adjuvant significantly improves the uptake of phosphorous acid into Pinus radiata needles and improves its performance against Phytophthora species. Ongoing work is looking at using these to help with the control of adult stem weevil.


The three types of oil-based adjuvants are crop oils, crop oil concentrates, and also methylated seed oils. They are popular as a surfactant for herbicides because they increase the movement of a chemical spray into a plant and help reduce surface tension.

Crop Oils

These are also known as petroleum oils, do not contain vegetable oil, and also contain a maximum of 5% surfactant. Use of crop oils as spray adjuvants for turf, promotes the movement of a chemical spray either through a plant’s waxy cuticle or an insect’s tough, chitinous shell.  Often you use traditional crop oils for insect and disease control and seldom with herbicides.

Crop Oil Concentrates (COCs)

These contain 10-20% non-ionic surfactant. COC’s are also known as penetrants and are also excellent spreading agents. They are excellent herbicide adjuvants as they help make some of the less-soluble herbicides more soluble in water. Consequently, they are often used as a surfactant for herbicides like those targeting grass weeds like Summer Grass. Good examples of these are Hasten spray adjuvant and Banjo spray adjuvant which are a combination of vegetable oil and nonionic surfactant.

Methylated seed Oils (MSOs)

These are oil-based surfactants, you must take care when you use these as they can cause leaf burn and phytotoxicity. A good example in this group of spray adjuvants for turf is Voltage MSO. In fact these are the most active of the herbicide adjuvants, working best on larger or drought-stressed weeds that are not growing. This type of surfactant for herbicides have the following benefits:

  • When you use this type of spray adjuvant for turf they increase the drying time on a leaf surface and as a result increase the potential for herbicide uptake;
  • These herbicide adjuvants improve chemical penetration of a leaf by solubilizing waxes;
  • You get better control of larger weeds;
  • You get better control of stressed weeds that are not growing and
  • These herbicide adjuvants work well on difficult-to-control weeds.

There are several reports of MSO’s improving the performance of Quinclorac for controlling Spurge or Summer grass. This happens because using an MSO with Quinclorac enhances the chemical movement into the leaf, and keeps it in solution rather than it being able to crystalize on the leaf surface.

Use of Nominee for winter grass control shows that treatments with an MSO spray adjuvant and a nonionic surfactant, needs 25 and 41% lower rates, compared to the normal rates without using a herbicide adjuvant.


Tank buffers

For the most part the ideal water pH for most turf chemicals is in the range of 4.0 to 6.5, and it is best between 5.5 to 6.5. One outlier to this are the Group 2 herbicides, which give better results at a pH of 7 or greater. The reason why most chemicals work better in the 4-6.5 pH range is due to what is called alkaline hydrolysis.

In brief, above a pH of 7 some turf chemicals tend to be prone to this such as iprodione-based fungicides like Voltar® 500SC. This has a half-life of 48 minutes at pH 7. Using a tank buffer such as Manta Ray® lowers the pH of the water in the spray tank and so helps maintain the pH at a constant level. This means it is ideal to use this as a surfactant for herbicides like glyphosate. The end result is fewer re-sprays, more consistent performance, and reduced chemical usage and labour costs. 

Water pH

If you think water pH doesn’t effect you think again and be aware water quality changes throughout the year so it needs regular checking. Generally speaking tap water in Australia is artificially increased to above pH 7. So if you use this as your spray tank water in some cases you will need to use a buffer and a surfactant for herbicides. Do not however, get into the habit of using a buffer in every tank mix. For example at a low pH 2,4-D amine tends to drop out of solution or form a gel.

As a start if you don’t have a current water analysis and your using town water there are some great online water analysis tools depending on where you are. Simply fill in your post code and it will give you a water analysis.

Sydney Water quality

Melbourne Water quality

South East Melbourne Water quality

South East Queensland Water quality

Canberra Water quality


Table showing spray tank stability.


Optimum pH

Alkaline pH 8-9

Neutral pH 7

Acidic pH 4-6

2,4-D amine






Stable pH 5-9


Stable over a wide pH range


Stable pH 5-9


4.8 hours

34 hours





Stable pH 5-6


< 5.0

Fosetyl aluminium


Stable pH 4-8

Gibberellic acid

<  7.0

Should not be mixed with alkaline materials

Glufosinate ammonium






Stable pH 5-9


Chemical breakdown above pH 8


Buffer to a pH <7.5




Stable at pH 5-9

Thiophanate methyl







Anti-foam reduces foam build up which is an issue in soft water areas like the ACT. Polydimethylsiloxane is the active in Foam-aid® and is unique because not only does it prevent foaming while mixing or spraying but also can remove foam that is already present.

Deposition and Drift Control Agents

Deposition aids are also called spray stickers since they increase how long a chemical lasts once applied to a leaf surface. Other properties include an ability to reduce evaporation and also an increase in UV stability. Bond adjuvant® or Octane® are examples of these.

Drift control agents reduce spray drift by increasing the size of spray droplets. As droplets with a diameter of 150 microns or smaller will tend to drift, the use of drift control agents means you can better target your spray. This is due to the fact that they increase the average droplet size and they achieve this by binding with water molecules to form larger spray droplets.The best of these appear to be products based on guar gum.

Since 2010 there has been a law to assess new chemicals for the potential risk of spray drift. As a result of this no spray buffer zones are now listed on labels of products like Specticle herbicide® and Numchuk Quad®.

Modifying spray droplet size.

By and large wetting agents reduce the spray drop size, while oil-based adjuvants tend to increase the drop size. When you spray, consider the nozzle selection, the operating pressure, boom height, and also the prevailing weather conditions.

For the most part don’t rely solely on these to deal with off-target drift. Water-based sprays are the standard means of applying chemical sprays in the turf industry, and the aim is to use a specific-sized spray to get the best results. Drift occurs if droplets are too small. In contrast, if drops are too large they will run off the target.

Foam Markers and Colourants

Foam markers are spray adjuvants that you use to see where you spray without having to use a colourant. This helps avoid overlap when you apply turf chemicals. You use colourants such as Blue spray indicator as marker or indicator dyes to identify areas that you have already been sprayed. This is in contrast to turf pigments that are used as broad acre masking agents and also to stimulate growth.

Spray Tank Cleaners

Spray tank cleaners remove nasty residues that can be left after you spray. Tank cleaners often contain sodium tripolyphosphate and you should always use these to clean a spray tank if it has been used with non selective herbicides like glyphosate.



Ammonium Fertilizers

Urea-ammonium nitrates (UAN), and ammonium sulphate (AMS) are all used as spray tank adjuvants to reduce the negative effects of hard water ions. These include Fe, Zn, Mg, Na, K, and calcium and can react with some herbicides such as 2,4-D and glyphosate to form insoluble precipitates.

In fact in areas with hard water, you should consider always using crystalline or spray-grade ammonium sulphate as a herbicide adjuvant to stop the calcium form of glyphosate forming. Although tempting, don’t use granular or standard ammonium sulphate with glyphosate as these both contain impurities that will give poor results.

Also, if you add crystalline ammonium sulphate as a herbicide adjuvant to a spray tank the temperature of the spray solution will drop which is an endothermic reaction. Because of this be aware that in winter the drop in temperature can make the mixing of turf chemicals into the spray tank difficult. For this reason fill the tank at least three-quarters full before you use crystalline ammonium sulphate as a surfactant for herbicides.

Our chemical and irrigation suitability water analysis calculates exactly how much ammonium sulphate you need.

Table showing rate of ammomium sulphate for hard water.

Water hardness Ca2+ ppm Water hardness level CaCO3 ppm Liquid Boost (AMS) recommend
Equivalent amount of AMS Crystal g/100L
80 200 250 104
120 300 375 156
160 400 500 208
200 500 625 260
240 600 750 312
280 700 875 364
320 800 1000 417
360 900 1125 469
400 1000 1250 521
500 1250 1565 652
750 1875 2345 977


Turf is very good at taking up NH4 ions and this is because when it does it is at the expense of H+ ions which are transferred to the outside of cells. The result of this, is a drop in the pH. By using NH4 in a spray tank it increases herbicide uptake by creating a pH gradient across cell membranes.



Map of hard water areas in Australia

Map showing areas of hard and soft water in Australia

Compatibility Agents

How often do you want to know if you can mix some ingredients and if they are compatible? Compatibility agents are added to spray tanks to avoid chemical mixing issues by preventing antagonism between ingredients. For example, the spray adjuvant Fix-it Tank Mix® does this. Here is a method for a  “jar test” to find out the stability of a mixture. Always remember to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when handling turf chemicals

To do this you will need a 1L or bigger glass jar. The key point to note is that how well a tank mix works depends on how well the products mix in a spray tank.

How to carry out a Jar Test.

Step 1. Measure 500ml of water into the glass jar. You want to use the same water source you are going to use in the spray tank.

Step 2. You are trying to mirror on a small scale what happens in your spray tank. Add the products you want to use in the same amounts, one at a time, as per the label. If the order for adding turf chemicals is not listed on the label add them in the following order. Each time a product is added make sure you stir it well until the next one is added. For example, add emulsifiable concentrates before liquid UAN, etc.

  • First, add your compatibility, buffering, or defoaming agents;
  • Second add wettable powders, dry flowables, water-dispersible granules;
  • Third, add flowables, liquids, microencapsulated products;
  • Next add, solutions, soluble powders;
  • Then add the remaining adjuvants, such as surfactants or crop oils;
  • Then add any emulsifiable concentrates; and finally add
  • Liquid UAN

Step 3. Shake the jar and leave it for at least 15 minutes. The mixture is not compatible if a scum forms on the surface, or the mixture separates, solids form and settle to the bottom, or clumps or gels form. Also look for other signs of a reaction, such as heat or a smell. If the jar feels warm to the touch and/or there is a strong smell don’t use the mixture. If issues occur, this mix is not compatible and should be thrown away.

How to choose the right Spray Tank Adjuvants

  • First, make sure you read the product label as this is there for a reason. Many spray adjuvants for turf list what adjuvant to use and in some cases the label may have these details under the “Directions for Use” section;
  • Second, use the active ingredient content to calculate the actual cost;
  • Third, use a reputable brand with supporting data. Do not use anything other than a formulated product as it may impact on the chemical performance. So for those that use washing up liquid. Stop!
  • Next, if it makes claims that sound to good to be true, they are!
  • You don’t always have to add a spray adjuvant and
  • Make sure that your equipment is set up properly.


Spray Adjuvant list for commonly used turf products



Suggested Adjuvant

Adjuvant name



Wallop 600

Non ionic surfactant

Dicamba + Prosulfuron

Casper herbicide

Non ionic surfactant

Spreader90 LF


Destro herbicide

Non ionic surfactant 

Spreader90 LF


Incognito 480

Tank Buffer

Manta Ray


Rapid Fire herbicide

Non ionic or ammonium sulphate

Spreader90 LF


Duke herbicide

Non ionic surfactant 

Spreader90 LF


Slinger herbicide

Non ionic surfactant

Spreader90 LF



Methylated seed Oil



Coliseum herbicide

Non ionic surfactant 

Spreader90 LF


Slinger 240

Non ionic surfactant



Recondo herbicide

Alkylaryl ethoxylates 

Agral spray adjuvant or Spreader90 LF


Thiophanate-methyl + Fluazinam+

Clean Sweep Trio fungicide

Non ionic surfactant

HydroForce Ultra

Fosetyl aluminium

Grenadier fungicide


Vertmax Duo


Pistol fungicide

Extender - di-1-p menthene

Octane/ Vertmax Duo


Squadron weatherace

Extender - di-1-p menthene do not use non ionic as can reduce fungicide performance.

Octane/ Vertmax Duo 


Voltar 500SC

Tank buffer 

Manta Ray

Iprodione + Trifloxystrobin

Interface Stressgard

Tank buffer 

Manta Ray



Alkylaryl ethoxylates - Nonyl phenol or Non Ionic surfactant 




Alkylaryl ethoxylates - Nonyl phenol or Non Ionic surfactant 



Alkylaryl ethoxylates - Nonyl phenol or Non Ionic surfactant 

Agral Label

Agral spray aduvant SDS


What does ammonium sulphate herbicide adjuvant do?

Ammonium Sulphate Herbicide Adjuvant
  • Improves poor quality water to a higher standard.
  • Acidifyies/buffers water and neutralises water alkalinity and carbonates.
  • Stops alkaline hydrolysis of chemicals.
  • Improves herbicide penetration into plants.
  • Ensures higher weed mortality with Glyphosate based and flowable herbicides.
  • Improves the tank compatibility of Glyphosate/Triazine based herbicides.
  • Improves the performance of herbicide under adverse environmental conditions.
  • Ammonium sulphate herbicide adjuvant is extremely cost effective.

What adjuvant is best for glyphosate?

In order to know the best adjuvant to use with glyphosate you need to know what factors affect it.

Water pH, water quality, temperature and target all impact on its performance .

If conditions are cool the use of spray grade ammonium sulphate or a non ionic surfactant like OptiSpread 1000 can give excellent results.

Factors like water hardness, high pH or mineral content can reduce weed control efficacy.

  • Glyphosate is readily impacted by hard water as Calcium or other cations tend to bind directly to the glyphosate molecule. To counter this ammonium sulphate helps counter this.
  • With water pH glyphosate works best at a lower (more acidic) water pH. Buffers like Manta Ray help counter this and improve glyphosate efficacy.
  • The final reason to use an adjuvant with glyphosate is if the target is difficult to wet.

Difficult to wet weeds include: Capeweed, Cleavers, Clover, Spurge, Fat Hen, Fleabane, Sowthistle, and Wireweed. With all of these when you use glyphosate the addition of a non ionic spreader will help give better results.

What do Spray Adjuvants Do?

A Spray adjuvant increases the efficiency and effectiveness of a spray application. It does this by enhancing the performace and/or physical properties of a chemical in three possible ways:

  • It alters how chemicals or products interact in the spray tank.
  • It modifyies how a product interacts with the target.
  • A spray adjuvant alters how a product moves into the target

Use of the correct spray adjuvant:

  • Helps give better coverage and retention of pesticides on target pests.
  • Modifies the rate of evaporation of pesticide spray.
  • Helps retain pesticide spray on target pests in non perfect conditions.
  • Enhances the penetration and the translocation of pesticides which results in better performance.
  • Adjusts the pH of a spray solution.
  • Enhances coverage of target pests for better control.
  • Increases the tank mix compatibility of pesticide mixtures.
  • Reduces non target phytotoxicity.
  • Reduces spray drift by increasing the viscosity of spray droplets.

How long does pesticide last after mixing?

The chemical half-life is the amount of time it takes a pesticide to breakdown to half its original concentration. How long the pesticide lasts after mixing depends on pH, temperature, and to a lesser degree water hardness. Each half-life that passes reduces the amount of pesticide in the water by one half, i.e. 100% to 50% to 25% to 12.5% to 6.25%, etc. 

Can i use washing up liquid to make my weedkiller work better?

No you can’t. Detergents are a cleansing agent, usually consisting of salts of long-chain aliphatic bases or acids that exert cleansing or oil dissolving and antimicrobial effects through a surface. These nonionic and anionic surfactants, can cause turf injury and also cause a reduction in weed control.
Detergents are great for cleaning dishes and removing grease and grime. They are not designed to stick herbicides to plants or assist in forcing the herbicide into the plant so it can be translocated to the root system.
The detergent’s mode of action is to dissolve grease and grime and can adversely impact the active ingredients mixed in spray solutions.


Do I need a spray adjuvant to get a good result?

Any time you apply chemicals, read the label before you use them. This protocol is the same with spray adjuvants and even more so when using spray adjuvants with herbicides. Some products already contain adjuvants, so you do not need to add any more. In fact, adding more can result in a loss in performance. 

However, if it says on the label to use an adjuvant, you won’t get the best results unless you do.

Good examples of products where adjuvants are worth considering to give better chemical performance include:

  1. Iprodione-based fungicides such as Voltar 500. Use a spray buffer, like Manta Ray buffer, to reduce the water pH. Iprodione is susceptible to alkaline hydrolysis at a pH of 7 and above.
  2. Herbicides like Sulfonylureas. Ideally, you should use a non-ionic surfactant like Scrubwet to give better chemical contact with the leaf.

If I use a spray adjuvant at the label rate, will adding more give better results?

More is not always better and and with chemical adjuvants this most certainly is the case. The rates on a label are there for a reason. Adding amounts above the label recommendations will potentially cause damage to non-target plants and pollution of the groundwater.

Can I use pond water, salt water, or well water for a spray tank mix?

Water quality has an impact on the results of using turf chemicals. The most important of these are the water pH and water hardness. You should always use clean water that does not contain suspended soil etc. These ions can neutralize some herbicides or stop some adjuvants from working.

Also, in Australia, tap water is artificially raised to around 8. At this level, it has a negative effect on herbicides like glyphosate and fungicides like iprodione.

Do not use salt water, as it contains antagonistic salts and ions that can make a mix useless.

What is the difference between a spray adjuvant and a surfactant?

Spray adjuvants are added to the spray tank to make the active ingredients being used work better. A surfactant is an adjuvant that improves the dispersal, spreading and wetting of a product.

How can you increase the viscosity of spray mixtures?

Surfactants change the structure of waxes on leaves and stems, so that turf chemicals can enter more easily. There are also several drift reducing products that increase the viscosity of the spray mixture. Increasing the viscosity of spray mix is useful when you do not want to get any spray drift into sensitive areas.

How can I tell if products I have not used before can be mixed together?

The product label gives information about adjuvant use. If specific information about the products you want to mix is not on the label, it is going to be wise to contact the manufacturer before you do any mixing. If you are still in doubt conduct a jar test, which will let you know if they are compatible.

The information on this website is for general purposes only. The information is provided by Gilba Solutions and while we try to keep it up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability with respect to the website or the information, products, or services, on the website for any purpose.


© 2022, Gilba Solutions Pty Ltd, All rights reserved

Jerry Spencer senior turf agronomist and soil scientist
Senior Turf Agronomist at  | 0499975819 | Website |  + posts

Graduated from Newcastle University with an Hons Degree in Soil Science in 1988, Jerry then worked for the Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) as a turf agronomist before emigrating to Australia in 1993.

He followed this by gaining a Grad Dip in Business Management from UTS. He has worked in a number of management roles for companies as diverse as Samsung Australia, Arthur Yates and Paton Fertilizers.

He has always had a strong affinity with the Australian sports turf industry and as a result he established Gilba Solutions as an independent sports turf consultancy in 1993. Jerry has written over 100 articles and two books on a wide range of topics such as Turf Pesticides and Nutrition which have been published in Australia and overseas.

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