Field Bindweed or morning glory flowering
Morning Glory or Bindweed flower
distribution map of field bindweed or morning glory in australia

Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)

Field Bindweed is a long lived perennial vine that is also known as Morning Glory. Morning Glory has creeping stems and is prostrate until it comes into contact with other plants or barriers. 

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Thanks to The Living Atlas of Australia for the distribution map.


Why is Bindweed a Problem Weed?

  • This weed has an extensive system of rhizomes that can grow deep into the soil. This extensive and efficient root system reduces the soil water content to below the wilt point of most crops.
  • It competes with turf for sunlight, and nutrients, and chokes out other plants.
  • Field Bindweed re-shoots if the shoot is damaged.

Morning Glory flowers are light-sensitive, and the flowers close up at night and on cloudy days. This is called nyctinasty. and you can also see this in Gazania and Wood Sorrel.

Field Bindweed is a good indicator of low-fertility soils that are deficient in Ca and P or under drought stress. It also indicates an excess of K.

More on turf weeds is in our weed ID chart. If you need any help with weed ID feel free to contact our turf agronomist.

How to Identify Field Bindweed.

Bindweed is a perennial, and has a thick taproot that allows the plant to survive during periods of low soil moisture. 
Photosynthetic Pathway: C3 Weed.
Flower: Field Bindweed flowers throughout the year, often during the Spring to Autumn period. Flowers are bell or funnel-shaped, white to pinkish in colour.
Leaf length: The leaves are usually opposite and triangular and 1 to 8 cm long.
Leaf width: Field Bindweed lleaves are 0.2 to 4 cm wide.
Reproduction: Field Bindweed reproduces vegetatively from roots, rhizomes, and stem fragments and spreads 2 to 3 metres in a growing season.

It is also a big seed producer, with an average plant able to produce over 500 seeds. These can lie dormant for up to 20 years as the seed coat becomes waterproof after a month.

Seed longevity: Seeds are viable for more than 5 years.
Germination depth: Field Bindweed germinates at a depth of 6 to 7 cm.
Seeds/flower: There are 1 to 4 seeds per flower.
Seeds/plant: 550.

Interestingly, if you scarify and damage the seed coat, it causes 100% seed germination. This is in contrast to a germination rate of only 5 to 25% of freshly collected Field Bindweed seeds. The seeds spread by animals, water and human activity.
Bindweed regrows from taproot material and seedlings during the cooler Autumn to Spring months.
Comments: Once Field Bindweed matures it is difficult to control with herbicides. The above ground shoot dies back from frost, but the roots can stand temperatures as low as -6°C.
Habitat: Morning Glory or Field Bindweed grows in a wide range of conditions. These range from full sun to full shade, and it can tolerate long periods of drought. This weed thrives in dry, gravel rich soils, but prefers rich, fertile soils with moderate soil moisture.
You rarely find Field bindweed in wet soils, and it is often seen in verges, waste tips, and disturbed ground.



How to Control Field Bindweed.

Cultural and chemical controls manage Morning Glory or Field Bindweed. Autumn is an ideal time carry out control of this perennial weed.


Cultural Control of Field Bindweed.

The first step in the cultural control of Field Bindweed is to feed your turf. Field bindweed does not compete well if there is a thick cover of turfgrass.

  • Apply enough nitrogen.
  • Irrigate properly.
  • Field Bindweed struggles in shade, so maintain your turf at the right height of cut. However, if you try and mow to remove Bindweed, it will not work due to its prostrate growth habit.
  • Hand weeding is a waste of time unless the plants are very young, and haven’t yet developed an extensive root system.



Chemical Control of Field Bindweed.

Pre-emergents do not work on Field Bindweed or Morning Glory. You get the best results with post-emergents.

Post Emergent Control of Field Bindweed.

Autumn applications of selective herbicides that contain 2,4-D and dicamba usually give better results vs Field Bindweed. You are most likely going to need multiple applications to get this weed under control.

  • Standalone herbicides like 2,4-D do not work well. The aim with 2,4-D is to reduce Bindweed stands by 60 to 80% and prevent seedling establishment. It is important to apply 2,4-D every year. If you miss an application it gives Bindweed a chance to recover.
  • Dicamba. Control of Field Bindweed with Dicamba is best when weeds are actively growing and in the post bloom stage. Make a follow-up application in the Spring to control any seedlings. Dicamba is not safe to use on Buffalo grass.
  • Contra M.
  • MCPA.
  • Quinclorac. This is not registered in Australia for Field Bindweed. Overseas though if you must add methylated seed oil (Voltage MSO), it helps with chemical uptake via the foliage and roots. Rain after application is important for soil uptake.


Non Selective Bindweed Control.

  • Glyphosate. You get the best results vs Filed Bindweed if you apply Glyphosate from full bloom to the early seed stage of maturity. If you apply this to Autumn regrowth it also may provide some control.
    The aim is to fully cover the foliage but avoid spray runoff. You may need to make repeated treatments for complete control.

If you use Glyphosate and water quality is an issue then use ProForce Manta Ray.

Other non selective options for Field Bindweed include:

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