Australian weed identification of Crowsfoot weed with its distinctive seedhead
How to remove crowsfoot grass from your lawn (Eleusine indica) or goosegrass.
Distribution of crowsfoot, goosegrass and Eleusine indica in Australia

Crowsfoot Grass (Eleusine indica)

Crowsfoot Grass is also known as Eleusine indica and Goosegrass, due to the close likeness of the plant to the feet of geese. We discuss How to remove Crowsfoot from your lawn.

Crowsfoot Grass is a difficult to control grass weed that tolerates low mowing heights, and thrives in low nutrient and compact soils. It is a Summer annual grass weed that germinates in the late Spring, and then grows through the Summer.

The seed head appears from the late Spring to early Summer and is two to ten spikelets on long stem.

It grows from a central crown with branches that radiate out like the spokes in a wagon wheel. The leaves are a distinct white or silver colour at the base,


After you read this, you will be able to:

  • Know what Crowsfoot or Goosegrass looks like.
  • Be aware what conditions favour Crowsfoot grass.
  • Know the best cultural and chemical options to control Eleusine indica.


Crowsfoot is a good indicator weed of compact soils. We often find Crowsfoot in heavy wear areas, and it does well in poorly drained conditions. More on turf weeds is in our weed ID chart.


How to Identify Crowsfoot Grass.

Crowsfoot Grass is a tufted, dark green summer annual grass with flat stems and shiny strap-like leaves. Its leaf blades are smooth with folded venation and white sheaths that leads to a short jagged, membranous ligule that divides at the centre. It has a prostrate or upright growth and tends to form a low-growing rosette with a white-coloured leaf sheath at the base.

The seed head appears in late spring or early summer and has two to ten spikelets on a long stem.


Category: Grass (monocot).

Photosynthetic Pathway: C4 Weed.

Height:  Crowsfoot plants can reach up to 20 cm in height and produce a large amount of seeds.

Leaf Length: The leaves of Eleusine indica are up to 30 cm long.

Leaf Width: Leaves are is 3 to 8 mm wide.

Spikelets: Goosegrass grows 3 to 7 spikes that are 4 to 7mm long. The seeds attach in a zipper-like appearance on the spike.

Reproduces: Crowsfoot reproduces by seeds, that germinate at or near the surface of moist soils, when soil temperatures reach 15°C to 18°C. It is an incredibly efficient weed, and grows twice as fast as turf grass.

Eleusine indica sets seeds even in closely mown turf. Each plant produces more than 50,000 seeds that are spread by the wind and rain, as well as machinery, animals and humans.

Comments: There are no hairs on the leaf, but there are hairs at the base of the leaf. Goosegrass can germinate in a soil pH range from 5 to pH 10.

Habitat: Crowsfoot Grass thrives in compact soils and heavy wear areas. It is a common weed in poorly drained soil and likes full sun. Crowsfoot is often seen on soils with relatively high P, K, Ca, and Mg.




How to remove Crowsfoot Grass from Your lawn.

You can use both cultural and chemical control to remove Crowsfoot Grass from your lawn and turf.

Cultural control of Crowsfoot Grass.

A thick, healthy turf cover with no bare areas, inhibits Crowsfoot and its seed production. Other cultural options that avoid the use of chemicals include:

  • Hand pull. Although diffiuclt to hand pull due to its liking for compact soils, you can control Eleusine indica if you dig it up with a shovel. This is best done when the soil is moist.
  • Mow. If you mow before it goes to seed it is a major step toward managing this grass weed.
  • Relieve compaction. This is a grass weed that thrives in compact soil and so any work that relieves soil compaction will discourage it. Carry out aeration by hand or with a mechanical unit, and reduce traffic to improve turf cover and help the grass compete.
  • Give it time. Goosegrass is an annual that dies in frost in the Autumn or Winter. So in areas like Canberra and regional NSW if you keep on top of the seed the problem will redcue year on year.
  • Shade reduces weed growth, so a vigorous, dense turf cover helps shade out this weed. Bearing this in mind selecting the right turf seed or turf type for your situation can be a signfiicant step toward managing this weed.


As we mentioned, Goosegrass is often present in areas with heavy soil compaction and where there is limited turfgrass competiton. Coring in heavily trafficked areas alleviates one of the main factors that favour this weed and limits turfgrass growth and promotes competition.

You should aim to core when the turf is actively growing and so recovers quickly. Any exposed soil areas after this work tends to favour weed encroachment as voids left in turf permit weed invasion during periods of peak germination.



Chemical Control of Crowsfoot from your lawn.

Selective post-emergents are available, but your best option is to carry out pre-emergent control. Even with this though, Goosegrass in couch is more difficult to control than for example, Summer Grass.

Pre-emergents for Crowsfoot Grass.

When you use Oxadiazon at at normal rates, this controls Crowsfoot better (91%) than Pendimethalin (69%), Dimension (69%), and Prodiamine (71%), at label rates.

Summer Grass control is 80% or higher when you use 1/2 rates of either Dimension® or Pendimethalin with MSMA at the label rate. This is a lot higher rate of control than if you use Dimension® or MSMA by themselves at normal rates.

Pre-emergents like Onset 10GR, Barricade, Echelon, Echelon Duo, and Battalia prevent Crowsfoot grass in warm-season grasses. Make sure that you use these at the correct rate and time to get good control.

For example, a single application of a granular pre-emergent like Onset 10GR, Echelon or Echelon Duo, several weeks before germination gives season-long control of Crowsfoot grass. If you use other products, you may need to make split applications to get season-long control.


Post-emergent Control of Crowsfoot Grass.

Timing is important with all post emergent herbicides. Aim to use these after goosegrass seed germinates, and you will usually need several applications of these herbicides to give complete control.

Good soil moisture at the time of application is also needed to get the best results.

ProForce Destro works well, and is in a different chemical Group from most of the other options. Alternatively Envu Tribute Selective also gives good results. Destro gives better results with an MSO like ProForce Voltage, to overcome the waxy leaf surface and give better contact.

You can use Foramsulfuron (Tribute Selective) in couch and zoysia as alternatives to ACCase-inhibitors like Destro. Two applications of this herbicide is needed for post-emergent control of established Crowsfoot. Due to potential antagonism, don’t use Tribute with a non-ionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate.

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