Tribute herbicide

Tribute herbicide is one of the most effective post emergents available to control cool season grasses and crows foot grass in couch grass. The Tribute herbicide label at the end of this page, clearly outlines its use, target weeds and use restrictions.

Tribute herbicide for wintergrass, ryegrass, paspalum and goosegrass control

It contains the active foramsulfuron, which is a sulfonylurea herbicide and so is in herbicide resistance Group 2.  Recondo herbicide and Duke herbicide are also in this group. The product selectively removes undesirable cool-season grasses from warm-season grasses.

Foramsulfuron controls grasses such as Crows foot grass, Winter grass and ryegrass and is for use on tolerant warm-season grasses such as couch grass. Check out our winter grass blog for more on the use of Tribute herbicide to kill winter grass.

Key features and benefits.

  • As this is a new sulfonylurea herbicide it offers a different mode of action for resistance management;
  • Offers the greatest turfgrass tolerance in comparison to alternatives;
  • Tailor made solutions in a single application: It can be used with Duke herbicide and Warhead Trio herbicide for broad spectrum weed control
  • Within hours of an application cell division and weed growth stop;
  • The following factors may influence herbicide performance;
  • Australian work has shown that if you use iodosulfuron herbicides with Tribute herbicide there is a synergy that results in better overall control of many difficult-to-kill weeds and faster improved control of ryegrass and winter grass.
  • You can mix this with the turf pigments, Vertmax Duo and Vertmax to retain heat and give a quicker kill

Where to use Tribute Turf Herbicide

Tribute herbicide is for professional use on golf course turf, sports fields, commercial lawns, cemeteries, parks, campsites, recreational areas, roadsides, school grounds and sod farms.

Timing of application for Tribute Turf Herbicide

You can use Tribute to remove undesirable grasses such as winter grass, ryegrass and crows foot grass in actively growing couch grass. Weed control is faster at higher temperatures. If you plant to use Tribute as a transition aid, applications are best made in the spring.

Crows foot grass is one of the most common annual grass weeds in turf during the summer. In tropical areas the weed can be a problem all year round. Tribute herbicide symptoms on weeds develop in the first week but complete weed control can take several weeks at lower temperatures. For larger crowsfoot plants you may need to make repeat Tribute herbicide.

Spray program and resistance management for Tribute Turf Herbicide

Tribute contains the active ingredient foramsulfuron (Herbicide Group 2).

Speed of removal depends on air temperature. Warmer temperatures result in faster removal. At temperatures of 21ºC and above, removal of cool-season grasses can takes one week or less. If temperatures are 15ºC, or lower, removal can take two to three weeks or longer.

Turf managers are best to use Tribute as a transition aid when warm-season grasses are strongly coming out of dormancy. On the other hand, to remove volunteer Ryegrass – or Clumpy Rye – apply when the desirable grass is actively growing. It is not advisable to use Tribute during cold periods in winter.

Two or more applications of Tribute 7 to 14 days apart may be needed to control some grasses.

Brand: Envu
Group:Group 2 Herbicide
Selectivity: Selective
Weed: Crowsfoot Grass, Ryegrass, Wintergrass, Goose grass, Paspalum, and suppression of Kikuyu grass.
Application Rate: 1520mL per 100m²; 1.5-2L/Ha
Active Ingredient: 22.5g/L Foramsulfuron
Activity: Post-Emergent
When you use Tribute, it’s crucial to follow the instructions and safety precautions on the label, making sure to avoid overspray or drift onto desirable plants as it will damage non-target vegetation.
If you have specific questions or concerns about using Tribute herbicide, it’s best to consult with a local qualified turf consultant or turf agronomist.

Tribute herbicide Label

Tribute herbicide SDS