Chickweed is controlled with Freehand Herbicide
Chickweed after treating with herbicide
Distribution of Chickweed in Australia

Common Chickweed (Stellaria media)

Common Chickweed is a Winter is an annual low-growing bright-green plant, with tiny five-petalled white flowers. Unlike most cool-season annuals, that germinate in the Autumn, flower the following Spring, and die as soon Summer temperatures rise, Common Chickweed persists through the Summer if it is not exposed to heat and drought.

Common Chickweed forms large, dense patches in lawns but has more unright growth if it is not mowed. The hairy stems often form mats over surrounding low growing plants, and the prostrate stems can root at the nodes.

Chickweed is able to grow in denser shade, and at much lower temperatures than many other weeds

After you read this, you will be able to:

  • Identify Common Chickweed.
  • Know the habitat of Common Chickweed.
  • Know the best cultural and chemical options to control this weed.


A closely related plant is Mouse-ear Chickweed, that has a similar growth habit but it is an annual. The leaves are often oblong and densely hairy. It is less common in a turfgrass or a landscape setting.

Common Chickweed is a good indicator weed of heavy, poorly draining, shaded, fertile soils. In a turf situation it often indicates poor turf density.

More information on turf weeds is in our weed ID chart.


Cerastium or mouse-ear chickweed
Mouse Eared Chickweed
Mouse ear chickweed distribution in Australia



How to Identify Common Chickweed.

A good way to distinguish Common Chickweed from other plants is if you pull the stem until it breaks. With Chickweed the stem doesn’t break but stretches. 

Category: Broadleaf (Dicot).
Photosynthetic Pathway: C3 Weed
Flower: The white flowers are small, star shaped and about 1 cm in diameter. They have 5 white petals, and are 1 to 3 mm long.
Height: It has a prostrate growth habit. The stem is up to 400 mm long and 1 mm in diameter, and it has a line of hairs that run down its length.
Leaf length: The leaves are bright green, hairless, and oval shaped with a pointed tip. They are opposite, and 6 to 25 mm long.
Leaf width: Leaves are 3 to 10 mm wide.


Reproduction: Common Chickweed emerges in the Autumn when temperatures are 14 to 20°C. Most seedlings emerge from the soil at depths of less than 25 mm, and have a maximum emergence depth of 50 mm.

Seed: Common chickweed produces from 750 to 30,400 seeds per plant, with an average of 2,500 seeds per plant.


Comments: Chickweed has shallow fibrous roots. It can flower and set seed within 2 to 3 months.
Habitat: This weed likes high fertility soils and thrives in moist, high N soils. Common Chickweed is an excellent N scavenger, so you will encourage this weed if you overfeed, which results in more Chickweed growth in the Autumn. This weed prefers favours pH neutral soils and doesn’t grow well in acid soils.



How to Remove Common Chickweed.

Both cultural and chemical control can control this weed.


Cultural control of Common Chickweed.

To control Common Chickweed without chemicals, maintain turf density by fertilizing, mowing at the right height of cut, and irrigating appropriately.
Hand removal is effective as this weed pulls easily. However, it is important to remove it before seeds develop, and you get the best results if the soil is moist when you do this. Make sure to bag off and remove any vegetative material from the site, as Common Chickweed re-roots from stem nodes in moist areas.
Grass selection is also important. Choosing the wrong turf seed or grass type can have serious implications in Common Chickweed management moving forward.

Chemical control of Common Chickweed.

Chemical control of Common Chickweed is best in the Autumn and Early Spring when plants are small. It is difficult to control in cool weather, and when plants are large and have formed a dense vegetative mat.

Sulfonylurea resistance in Chickweed exists in the UK. Bearing this in mind remember to regularly rotate your chemistry. MCPA and 2,4-D are not very effective against Common Chickweed.


Pre-Emergent Control of Common Chickweed.


Post Emergent Control of Common Chickweed.



Non Selective Control of Common Chickweed.

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