This is Bindii also known as Onehunga and Jo-Jo weed

Dichondra (Dichondra repens)

Dichondra aka Kidney Weed or Asian Ponyfoot is a creeping perennial broadleaf weed that spreads widely from underground stolons. It is often used as an alternative ground cover to turf grass but can become a problem in existing turf due to its spreading growth habit

It is a member of the Morning Glory family and grows well in moist soils. Kidney Weed tolerates shade, and can spread and become a problem in thin, weak turf.

For more information, please check out our weed ID chart. Kidney Weed is a good indicator weed of shade.

 After you finish reading this, you will be able to:

  • Identify Dichondra, Kidney Weed or Ponyfoot.
  • Know the habitat of Dichondra.
  • Know the best cultural and chemical options to control Kidney Weed.



Dichondra Identification.

Kidney Weed is able to colonize sunny spaces where moisture is constant, but only adapts to wet areas with not very harsh winters. It tolerates fine textured and unfertile soils, but does not grow well in saline or compact soils

Category: broadleaf (Dicot).

Flower: Dichondra has small, white to greenish flowers.

Height: It forms dense mats 37 – 75mm in height.

Leaf Width: Less than 12mm

Leaf shape:

Reproduction: Dichondra reproduces by seed or vegetatively via creeping stolons.

Comments: Kidney Weed has kidney shaped leaves with no leaf hairs and has smooth leaf margins..





How to remove Dichondra from your lawn.

Both cultural and chemical control will remove Dichondra from your lawn and turfgrass.


Cultural control.

The key to cultural control is to properly maintain your turf. Dichondra can rapidly dominate if the grass is thin and has bare areas.
Ensure that you mow turf at the correct height of cut for the turf species present and fertilize.
Deal with any areas of poor drainage due to compaction by aerating.

Chemical control.

In addition to cultural practices, you may need herbicides to control Ponyfoot. Repeat applications of herbicides containing 2,4-D are the most effective on Dichondra. Apply these herbicides in the Spring, usually March to early May and at temperatures tolerated by the turfgrass. Product labels will have information regarding safe application temperatures for specific turfgrass species.