Vertmax Duo Turf Pigment.
Turf pigments are now a common tool in the Professional Turf Managers toolkit. However, Vertmax Duo is not just any turf pigment, and is a major advance on other copper phthalocyanine green turf pigments.
- It gives an instant natural green colour response.
- You can use this on golf greens, golf courses, sportsfields and lawns.
- Vertmax Duo contains a unique biostimulant, that helps fight against both biotic and abiotic stresses such as drought and disease.
- It stimulates root growth.
- Counters the detimental affects of UV light.
- Is a viable cost effective alternative to overseeding warm season turf over Winter. Our recent research into ryegrass vs pigments confirms this
- You can use Vertmax Duo turf pigment as a spray pattern indicator to help with herbicide and fertilizer applications and give more even coverage.
- Its broadacre sister is Vertmax pigment.
Vertmax Duo contains the biostimulant salicylic acid, which research shows increases the germination rate, plant health of plants whilst countering disease and stress in plants.
Salicylic acid activates defense responses within a plant, and so enhances turfgrass resistance against turfgrass diseases. This makes it more difficult for fungi to infect the turfgrass.
You can use this novel turf pigment on all turf and in all climatic zones. As a consequence, Gilba Solutions granted a licence in 2023 to Prograss Bio to produce and market this product in the UK and Europe.
Key features and benefits or Vertmax Duo.
- Vertmax Duo contains a high load of phthalocyanine pigment.
- Trials show it lasts longer than competitor products in a golf green situation.
- It contains a novel surfactant and sticker that gives excellent leaf coverage with a short drying time. So no staining.
- There is a synergy between copper pigment and the salicylic acid that results in significantly better turf quality.
- Salicylic acid inreases the tolerance of creeping bentgrass to bacterial pathogens like bacterial etiolation disease.
- Use of this improves turf health, and increases drought tolerance and disease resistance.
- Use encourages increases in lateral and deeper root growth.
- Research shows that Salicylic acid increases the resistance of turf grass to nematodes.
- It gives an instant natural green colour on dormant turf.
- Vertmax Duo blocks out harmful UV light.
- It is highly tank-compatible, mixes with all turf fungicides, such as Tombstone Duo. You can use it in all turf management situations.
Brand: Gilba Solutions
Product Form: Liquid
Application Rate: 1L per Ha in 200 to 500L of water per Ha
Pack size: 1 L