As turf agronomists a common question is “what is the best wetting agent for soil and turf in Australia?” This blog discusses soil wetters and what is the best wetting agent for lawns and turfgrass but before we can answer this we need to define what...
The Science Behind Soil Aeration. This blog discusses the science behind soil aeration and what happens with a compacted lawn? You may also find our soil aeration case study and our flood management blog of interest. Turf roots grow in small air pockets within the...
7 Reasons for pre-emergent failure. Here are 7 reasons for pre-emergent failure. We are often asked, why does my pre-emergent herbicide not work? Timing is the obvious reason but there could be several other causes. For example, incessant spring rain in 2022 in Sydney...
In recent years there has been an increase in the use of combination fungicides. With the launch of Clean Sweep Trio from Indigo Specialty, we think it is time to put some information together on turf combination fungicides. Many of these are excellent brown patch...
Free Guide to Australian turf pesticides Our friends at International Greenkeepers for Hire have produced a free guide to turf chemicals. This includes a guide to turfgrass pest management and a turf herbicide guide. This covers all generic and branded turf...
Generic vs branded pesticides Turf managers face the choice of using generic vs branded turf chemicals on an everyday basis. But what are the differences between generic vs name brand products? The recent release of the Guide to Turf Chemicals by IGFH will help in any...