Warhead Trio Herbicide

Warhead Trio Herbicide is an alternative to Bow and Arrow and Spearhead herbicide. It is a no-odour, selective, broadleaf herbicide and contains 300g/L MCPA (Potassium Salt), 15g/L Diflufenican and 20g/L Clopyralid. These actives are in herbicide resistance groups 4 and 12 respectively.

It controls a wide range of dicot (broadleaf) weeds in all recreational turf situations. You can safely use Warhead Trio Herbicide on a wide variety of turf species, including Common Couch, Qld Blue Couch, Kikuyu, Buffalo, Paspalum, Fescue and Ryegrass. So it’s ideal to use safely on most lawn use.

Warhead Trio herbicide has exceptional weed performance in comparison to competitor products. This is due to its dual mode of action which also helps in resistance management.


Thistle After Warhead trio Herbicide

Features of Warhead Trio

  • Being an alternative to Bow and Arrow herbicide, Warhead Trio herbicide has a broad spectrum of broadleaf weed control. So no need to reapply. Apply once and the weeds are gone!
  • The combination of its low chemical schedule (5) and unique low-odour formulation means it is easy to use and safer for use in public areas than many other products;
  • Unlike many broadleaf weedkillers, its herbicide performance is good on immature and mature weeds. It controls broadleaf weeds at most stages of development.
  • Being dicamba free, it is unlikely to cause damage to established trees or ornamentals, and is safe on Buffalo.
  • Warhead Trio herbicide is safe to use over a range of warm and cool season turf species.
  • It is available in an easy-to-handle 10L pack size. This makes it easy to use when spray tank mixing.


Active ingredients of Warhead herbicide

Warhead Trio herbicide contains MCPA, clopyralid and diflufenican.

MCPA is a foliar-absorbed systemic herbicide in Group 4 Mode of Action Group. MCPA mimics natural growth hormones, and upsets the natural hormone balance in susceptible weed species. Growth hormones regulate and interfere with cell elongation, protein synthesis, and cell division. By impacting upon the normal hormone balance in susceptible weeds, auxin mimic herbicides cause unregulated plant growth and eventual plant death.

Clopyralid is a synthetic plant growth hormone and acts as an auxin mimic within the plant also. It disrupts plant growth by binding to molecules that are normally used as receptors for natural growth hormones. Because clopyralid is more persistent in plant tissue than auxins, the binding causes abnormal growth leading to plant death within 2-4 weeks.

The third active ingredient of Warhead Trio herbicide is Diflufenican. This is a selective contact and short-term pre-emergent herbicide. It is mainly taken up by the shoots of germinating seedlings and has limited translocation after this. The mode of action of diflufenican creates bleaching activity, due to the inhibition of carotenoid biosynthesis. This prevents photosynthesis and leads to plant death.


Tips to get the best results

  • Shake the container well before use;
  • Aim to use from May to October;
  • After you use don’t mow for 2-3 days to get the best results. This allows plenty of time for the herbicide to be taken up by the weed;
  • Do not use Warhead Trio herbicide on bentgrass or winter grass golf or bowling greens;
  • Do not use clippings as mulch around other plants or as compost;
  • Don’t use if you expect rain within 4 hours;
  • If weeds or turf are under stress or frost is imminent do not use;
  • Use a spray adjuvant like Optispread 1000 for difficult-to-control weeds;
  • Due to residual effects of diflufenican, do not overseed treated areas for 3 months after use as it may inhibit the establishment of the turfgrass.


Warhead Trio Rate: 5L in 200-500L of water per Ha.

Target weeds: Broadleaf Weeds Including; White Clover, Plantain, Capeweed, Cat’s ear, Bindii, Onehunga, Cudweed, Creeping Buttercup and Creeping oxalis.

Warhead Trio Label

Warhead Trio SDS


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