About Gilba Solutions.

Gilba Solutions distributes a wide range of sports turf seed into the Australian turfgrass market from several quality seed suppliers. Whether you require ryegrass seed, fescue, bentgrass, Kikuyu grass seed, couch or specific grass seed blends we can help.

We also carry out research into sports turf seed to ensure you get the best results when you use it.

Our Turf Seed Suppliers.

You can trust suppliers like Landmark Seed, RAGT or Seedforce to supply the best quality turf seed for your sports fields, lawns, golf courses, race tracks, grass on recreational facilities and more.

We supply the latest turf seed genetics from USA, NZ and European breeders. As a lawn seed supplier, you can be sure you are getting the best seed at the best price. If seeding isn’t viable, we are happy to discuss using turf pigments, which offer a low-cost alternative.

Seed Testing Programs.

NTEP is the world’s premier independent seed testing program and runs at up to 19 locations in the USA. Any turf seed variety that performs well in these trials has done so under a wide range of conditions, so wherever you are in Australia, there is an equivalent site in the USA. These trials study disease resistance, colour, wear tolerance and drought resistance. Two other series of trials worth looking at are:

  • The Turfgrass list site based in Europe covers Perennial ryegrass, turf-type tall fescue grass seed and creeping bentgrass;
  • The British Society of Plant Breeders produces a grass seed book every year.

Our recent blog discusses improvements in sports turf perennial ryegrass.


Perennial Ryegrass Turf Seed.

What is Perennial ryegrass?

Perennial ryegrass seed is one of the world’s most widely used turf seeds for lawns and professional turf.

The reasons are it has a great dark green colour and germinates in 3 to 10 days or less. It also has a higher shade tolerance than many other grass varieties.

Perennial ryegrass seed grows into a fine-leaved bunch-type turfgrass, having a vigorous root system, and responds quickly to fertilizer and recovers from wear. It is a cool season grass that:

  • Adapts to many different soil types and spreads by tillers or shoots from the crown.
  • Grows in full sun but tolerate some degree of shade and
  • Handles mowing down to as low as 5mm.

A high endophyte content makes varieties like Intense perennial ryegrass, much more tolerant of stresses like drought, and improves its ability to resist insect attack. In summary, turf-type, perennial Ryegrass turf seed is used in almost every sporting arena, and on the world’s finest golf courses.

You can be sure that when you purchase perennial ryegrass seed from Gilba Solutions, the turf seed has disease resistance, superior colour and the highest wear tolerance. We support these seed varieties with technical advice, whether for overseeding options or choosing the best variety for your needs.

Price of Perennial Ryegrass Turf Seed.

This varies from around $7 a Kg to over $10 depending on the variety.



Premium Perennial Ryegrass Varieties.

Intense Perennial Ryegrass Turf Seed.

Intense ryegrass is an improved US turf-type perennial ryegrass seed in Australia. In the recently completed NTEP trials, it performed well for turf quality and grey leaf spot resistance.

It is best suited for heavy-use sports fields, golf courses and lawns that demand a quality surface. The ability of Intense PRG to tolerate a low height of cut makes Intense an excellent option for overseeding warm and cool-season grasses.

Slugger 3GL Turf Seed.

Slugger 3GL is the No.1 performing perennial ryegrass turf seed in the 2022 NTEP trials. Has excellent colour, wear tolerance and disease resistance.

Reserve 2 Turf Seed.

Reserve 2 is an advance on the original Reserve perennial ryegrass with improved colour and winter growth.

Buy Perennial Ryegrass.

If you would like to purchase Intense PRG or Slugger 3GL.



Intense Rye sports turf seed
Intense perennial ryegrass

NTEP Performance Data for Ryegrass Varieties.

Below are the results of the most revenly completed NTEP perennial ryegrass turf seed trials in the USA.

Tall Fescue Grass Seed.


Spyder 2LS Tall fescue Seed.

Spyder 2LS (Code number ZRC-1) is a 2nd generation cultivar with excellent NTEP scores across all test locations. As premier turf seed suppliers we just love this grass.

Spyder 2LS is a fine-leaved variety that spreads and grows laterally. It has wear tolerance and disease resistance and can crowd out weeds. Choose Spyder 2LS for elite, manicured swards that need dense, compact coverage to get the best results.

As lawn seed suppliers, Gilba Solutions offers expert sports turf consulting services, ensuring your turf is always in top shape. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we provide tailored solutions to address any turf-related challenges.

You can trust Gilba Solutions, your go-to source for achieving the perfect playing surface. Contact us today for a consultation!

As lawn seed suppliers, we supply couch turf seed to the professional and home garden markets.


Warm Season Grass Seeds.


Couch Turf Seed.

Couch grass is a warm-season grass with the following characteristics:

  • It thrives in full sun and with good drainage.
  • Couch grass tolerates heat, drought, traffic and salt.
  • Both vegetative and couch turf seeds have high maintenance and nutrient requirements.
  • It is perennial, which means it doesn’t need reseeding.
  • Couch grows best in the late Spring, and through the hot Summer months.
  • Without frosts, it can stay green all year round, but in much of its growing region, it is dormant and brown over winter. Turf managers and lawn owners often keep couch grass green by overseeding with cool-season ryegrass for winter colour.


This warm season grass spreads by below-ground stems called rhizomes and above-ground stems called stolons. Due to its aggressive growth, managing couch grass can be challenging, but this grass has the benefit of exceptional wear tolerance.

It also recovers from damage far more quickly than most grasses. As a result, it is the most common grass for sports grounds, golf course tee areas and golf fairways.

Unlike some warm-season grasses, couch grass can be grown vegetatively and from couch turf seed. However, many common couch varieties are only available vegetatively and not as turf seed.

Comprehensive Turf Seed Variety Chart.


Perennial Ryegrass and Fescue Varieties.

Turf variety


Rate /Ha




Intense PRG



This offers great performance with a great price. Performed very well in the 2022 NTEP trials for quality and grey leaf spot resistnace. It has a dark green colour, high wear tolerance and is disease resistant.

NTEP 2022

Reserve 2



Reserve 2 is an improvement on the original Reserve with a darker green colour while still being a Zero endophyte variety with exceptional winter activity. 

Slugger 3GL



A premium variety ryegrass seed, that came top of the 2022 NTEP trials. This has a great dark green colour, rapidly establishes from seed and has high disease resistance

NTEP 2022

Turf type tall Fescue grass


Semillas Fito S.A


Fesnova has high disease resistance and a very dark green colour.

NTEP 2017

Spyder 2LS



Spyder 2LS is a lateral spreading tall fescue grass and an upgrade on the original Spyder LS with a much finer leaf and superb colour. 

NTEP 2010

Couch and Kikuyu Seed.



Rate /Ha







Rio is a new generation of couch seed with excellent cold tolerance having a fine leaf and showing rapid establishment.

Kikuyu grass seed

Coated Kikuyu seed



Fine leaved turf type variety

Slugger 3GL ryegrass at Stadium Australia
Reserve winter active perennial ryegrass in Canberra
Comm Bank Stadium overseeded with sports turf type perennial ryegrass.

Our Clients: The Sports Turf Seed Used at Australia’s Top Venues.

Customers who Gilba Solutions have supplied turf seed to include:

  • Comm Bank Stadium;
  • ACT Parks and Places;
  • Stadium Australia;
  • Budgewoi Soccer Club;
  • Federal GC;
  • Bonnie Doon GC;
  • Royal Canberra GC;
  • Campbelltown Stadium
  • Liverpool Council and
  • Sydney University.
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