Plant Biostimulant Research. 50

Plant Biostimulant Research. 50

Plant Biostimulant Research. Turf managers in Australia are under pressure to produce high quality surfaces within a budget. As well as this, sports grounds are being subjected to increased levels of use and expectations from end users. We investigate the use of a...
Biostimulant use in turf. 43

Biostimulant use in turf. 43

This article is the second part of our blog on biostimulant use in turf. In this, we discuss the role of Trichoderma fungae and Mycorrhiza. Both of these are live biostimulants. Being live organisms, they are more tricky to get to work, as outside factors such as...
Salicylic acid for plants. 38

Salicylic acid for plants. 38

Salicylic Acid for Plants. The use of Salicylic Acid on plants has several benefits to plants. Salicylic Acid (SA) is a key component of aspirin, and bark extracts from Witch Hazel have been in use to treat pain and inflammation for thousands of years. In 1933, SA was...
How to manage flooded turf? 25

How to manage flooded turf? 25

How to manage flooded turf? We have put this together on how to manage flooded turf. With recent flooding having had a major impact on the turf production areas and sporting venues throughout NSW and VIC this will hopefully help get your turf back as soon as possible....
Biostimulants for turf. 12

Biostimulants for turf. 12

This is the first of a two part blog on biostimulant use in turf. The second part is on Fungicide impacts on Biostimulants and what are you actually buying. The public has become more aware of the impact of synthetic fertilisers and chemicals on the environment. The...
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