Research into soil wetting agents. 35

Research into soil wetting agents. 35

Trial Background As turf agronomists, we like digging into product claims. A case in point is soil-wetting agents. There appears to be a lot of confusion in the marketplace over what grass wetting agents can and can’t do. So in 2022/2023 we carried out a 2-year...
What Weeds Tell Us. 36

What Weeds Tell Us. 36

What weeds tell us Weeds can be used as indicators of soil conditions and as environmental indicators. You can then use this information to help create the best possible conditions for lawns and your turf grass.   What weeds are present has a direct effect on what...
Factors Shaping Herbicide Performance. 34

Factors Shaping Herbicide Performance. 34

Cracking the Code: Factors Shaping Herbicide Performance There are several factors that affect turf and lawn herbicides performance. Your choice of turf herbicide, herbicide formulation, timing, and turf variety all play a critical role in the results you get.      ...
Turf ryegrass: NZ vs US. 32

Turf ryegrass: NZ vs US. 32

NZ vs US turf ryegrass When it comes to the choice between NZ and US turf type perennial ryegrass cultivars there is some confusion. Both of these perennial ryegrass varieties make contrasting claims about their respective performances. Newer US varieties like Intense...
Ground pearl in turf. 33

Ground pearl in turf. 33

The first step to control ground pearls is understanding what they are. Ground pearls treatment is becoming more of an issue, as these pink pearls are now an increased problem in sugar cane, vines, grapes, oil palms and turf grass. They are scale insects that belong...
Pythium in turf. 31

Pythium in turf. 31

There are several Pythium sp that cause Pythium in turf. This turfgrass blog discusses pythium fungus in grass, what these are and how to identify and control them. Pythium in turfgrass can rear its head as pythium blight, pythium root rot, and damping off. The...
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