Jerry Spencer BSc Hons Grad Dip
Jerry Spencer is the Senior Turfgrass Agronomist and Sports Turf Consultant at Gilba Solutions. He specialises in turf nutrition, grass seed selection and turf chemical use.
He also oversees and carries out research into practical solutions to turf management problems. His most recent work is into bioactive compounds.
Lives in Bowral, NSW, Australia.
- BSC Hons Soil and Land Resources, from Newcastle Upon Tyne University and
- A Grad Diploma in Marketing from UTS, in Sydney
He has a keen interest in:
- Fertilizer production and manufacture.
- Turf grass and plant nutrition.
- Pigment chemistry.
- Nitrification and urease inhibitors.
- Bioactive compounds.
- Grass seed for sports turf and oversowing options.
- Environmentally friendly solutions to everyday turf management problems.
- Soil chemistry and physics.
- Environmental Science and weed control.
- Soil wetting agents
Summary of Jerry Spencer
- 11 years as the Head agronomist at Gilba Solutions, with a focus on turf nutrition, pest and turf management.
- Developed the Vertmax range of Turf pigments, now marketed in Australia, Europe and the UK.
- Eight years as the Product Development Manager (PDM) at Paton Fertilizers.
- Jerry Spencer spent four years at the Sports Turf Research Instutute (UK) as a turf agronomist.
Jerry Spencer is the Head Turf Agronomist at Gilba Solutions with over 35 years experience in the turf grass industry in the UK and Australia.
He heads up the turf agronomy services for Gilba Solutions which includes turf and pest management plans, product development and research, soil wetting agent chemistry and turf consultancy services.
Jerry also runs the Gilba Turf blog which is a regular look at turf management in Australia.
Prior to Gilba Solutions, Jerry Spencer was the PDM at Paton Fertilizers for eight years. Over this time he was responsible for the turf grass and horticultural markets. His focus was slow release fertilizer technology, nitrification inhibitors, and secondary and trace element nutrition.
Previous to this he was the Technical Manager at Arthur Yates and Co (Commercial), with a focus on CRF and SRF nutrition of ornamentals and turfgrass. His portfolio included Nutricote, the BASF Floranid range and Dynamic Lifter.
Before that Jerry Spencer was Head of Imaging Technology at Samsung Australia, and developed a mass transit advertising system for public transport with Buspak Advertising.
Jerry was also a Turf Agronomist at The Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) in the UK for nearly four years. During this time he was the agronomist for the South East of England and contributed to the STRI bulletin.
Jerry Spencer has a B.Sc (Hons) in Soil and Environmental Science from Newcastle Upon Tyne University with a minor in Tropical Soils. His thesis was on the role of Selenium in pastures.
He also has a Graduate Diploma in Marketing from the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia.
Latest Articles from Jerry Spencer.
Below is a selection of the latest publications and articles in the UK and Australia by Jerry Spencer.