Gilba Solutions Turfgrass Case Studies.

Gilba Solutions are turf agronomists and independent sports turf consultants, and have been giving independent advice for over 30 years in the UK and Australia. We think it might be interesting to revisit some of the projects we have been involved with. The following are some case studies:

Case studies

These case studies cover topics such as:

Case Study 1

  • Soil aeration and its importance to maintain the best possible turf surface. This is a vital operation for turf maintenance especially after flood damage.


Case Study 2

  • Blue green algae control. How products like Agritec manage this problem and control blue-green algae. All this while still allowing you to use water for irrigation and with no threat to fish! 



Clipper Aquatic Herbicide and Weed Control

Clipper Aquatic Herbicide and Weed Control

Weed Control with Clipper Aquatic Herbicide. Federal G.C is a Canberra golfing icon and currently ranks in the top 100 Australian courses. The Achilles heel of the course has always been limited water. How does Pete Dunn, Director of Agronomy, deal with water quality...

Dealing with windmill grass

Dealing with windmill grass

Dealing with Windmill Grass  (Chloris barbata). This is Part 1 of a two part blog on How we try to selectively manage this weed grass. Windmill grass is also known as Slender finger grass or Feathery Rhodes Grass. After reading this you will know where windmilll grass...

When is soil aeration needed?

When is soil aeration needed?

When is soil aeration needed? How long does it last? We carried out a 12-month study looking at answering some key questions relating to when soil aeration is needed and its frequency. Gilba Solutions are Sydney-based independent sports turf consultants and turf...

Blue-green algae control

Blue-green algae control

BLUE-GREEN ALGAE CONTROL.Twin Creeks G.C. Course Manager, Darren Turner called Gilba Solutions in 2021 with a water quality issue on a number of his dams. There was an outbreak of algae and he was concerned it might be an issue. After a site visit there was a strong...

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