Scarab Beetle. 53

Scarab Beetle. 53

Scarab Beetle. Sadly, people often class every adult scarab beetle or Curl grub they see as a “bad guy’. This is far from the truth, and every scarab beetle is not necessarily an African Black beetle (ABB) or a cockchafer. In fact there are only a few that cause...
Insecticide resistance. 54

Insecticide resistance. 54

Preventing Insecticide Resistance. A key tool for Turf Managers are Insecticides to prevent or minimize insect damage to Turfgrass, and preventing insecticide resistance is vital to continue to use these.     Globally there are over 20 different modes of action...
Not all granular gypsum is the same. 52

Not all granular gypsum is the same. 52

Not all granular gypsum is the same As we head towards Spring thoughts for some will be turning towards applying gypsum. In the turf industry several companies supply granular gypsum products. Spreading gypsum is a lot easier when it is a granule, and this is the...
Turf Weeds and Climate Change. 51

Turf Weeds and Climate Change. 51

Turf Weeds and Climate Change. Turf Weeds and Climate Change are directly linked, and may well have serious implications on turf management in Australia. Unfortunately, Climate Change and its increases in carbon dioxide and temperature are going to affect herbicide...
Plant Biostimulant Research. 50

Plant Biostimulant Research. 50

Plant Biostimulant Research. Turf managers in Australia are under pressure to produce high quality surfaces within a budget. As well as this, sports grounds are being subjected to increased levels of use and expectations from end users. We investigate the use of a...
How to add value to your home. 49

How to add value to your home. 49

How to Add Value to your Home. The following outlines how to add value to your home with some front garden ideas to create a fantastic grass landscape. This blog outlines several easy-to-do and low-cost options that produce a great-looking grass landscape and add...
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