Praxelis clematidea flower
Distribution of praxelis in Australia

Praxelis (Praxelis clematidea).

Praxelis is an annual or shortlived perennial herb with a fibrous root system. It is a weed of the tropics and sub-tropics, and although it tolerates partial to full sun, it does not grow well in fully shaded conditions. The distribution map is courtesy of The Atlas of Living Australia.

After you finish reading this, you will be able to:

  • Identify Praxelis.
  • Know the habitat of Praxelis.
  • Know the best cultural and chemical options to control Praxelis.

Praxelis contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which are poisonous to herbivores and has allelopathic properties.


How to Identify Praxelis.

Praxelis is an upright-growing herb that can grow from seed and vegetatively.

Category: Broadleaf (Dicot)

Flower: The flowers are blue or lavender in colour, and in clusters of about 35–40 tiny flowers at the ends of hairy stems.

Height: 40-50 cm

Leaf length: The leaves are hairy underneath, oppositely arranged, and approximately 25 to 60 mm long.

Leaf width: They are 25-37mm wide.

Reproduction: Seeds have a “pappus” or a cluster of barbed bristles that can help them spread. These spread by wind or water, or by attaching themselves to animal fur and feathers, clothing, or machinery. Praxelis is also capable of vegetative growth, in which roots and new plantlets form along branches in contact with the soil


Habitat: It is usually found growing in disturbed areas of roadsides, in pastures, along railway lines, in recently burned areas, in open woods, and along fence lines.

For more information on weeds check out our weed ID Chart.




How to control Praxelis in your lawn.

You can control Praxelis by cultural and chemical means.


Cultural control:

Hand pull or use a weeding tool. You must remove all the roots of Praxelis, and dispose of them to avoid re-growth. Each plant can produce thousands of seeds in a few months after germination.

Chemical control:

Chemical control options are pretty limited for this weed. BASF Freehand gives poor control as a Pre-emergent herbicide. The University of Florida suggests using Envu Specticle herbicide but this is not registered in Australia for this.

Non selective options include Glyphosate (Rapid Fire 800) under the APVMA Permit 11463.

If you use this and water quality is an issue then we recommend the use of ProForce Manta Ray.