Tombstone Duo Fungicide


Tombstone Duo broad spectrum turf fungicide controls and prevents Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Winter Fusarium, Helminthosporium diseases, Leptosphaerulina, Curvularia, Dollar Spot and ERI (Ectotrophic Root Infecting Fungi) diseases. It is also controls for a wide range of ornamental plant diseases.

Key Features of Tombstone Duo Fungicide.

  • Tombstone Duo Fungicide gives curative, protectant and eradicant activity.
  • Excellent rainfast properties. Works in all weather conditions.
  • Broad spectrum of activity. Controls 9 turf diseases, including foliar and root pathogens.
  • Controls Leptosphaerulina and Curvularia. There are limited other options for these pathogens.
  • Provides contact, translaminar, mesosystemic and systemic activity, and gives inside-out disease protection. Controls ERI diseases, both from a curative and preventative basis.
  • Controls ERI diseases, both from a curative and preventative basis.
  • Contains two strong active ingredients for turf, with differing modes of action.
  • Same active ingredients as Dedicate fungicide.
  • Is compatible with Vertmax and Vertmax Duo turf pigments.



  • Trifloxystrobin is in FRAC Group 11.
  • It is a second generation Strobilurin.
  • Causes rapid death of pathogens as it inhibits fungal cell respiration, which prevents energy production.
  • Is strongly attracted to the leaf surface, and provides a barrier against disease infection. Small amounts enter the leaf and move to the opposite, untreated surface of the leaf. This provides protection against infection on both leaf surfaces.
  • The compound shows a strong inhibitory effect on fungal spore germination and other early stages of pathogen development,
    which gives excellent preventive activity.



  • Is a triazole and in FRAC Group 3.
  • Transported acropetally (upwards).
  • Inhibit biosynthesis of sterols, which are important structural components of fungal cell membranes.
  • Protective, curative, and in some cases, eradicative activity

Active ingredients: 200g/L Tebuconazole and 100 g/L Trifloxystrobin.

Pack Size: 500ml and 1L.

Rate of Application: The rate of Tombstone Duo is 2-3L/Ha. (20-30ml/100m2 in8-16L of water)

Brand: Indigo Specialty.

Chemical Group: Fungicide Groups 3 and 11

Use tips:

  • Tombstone Duo needs good coverage to get the best control.
  • Apply in an adequate volume of water. A water volume of 400-800L/Ha is ideal.
  • Use water rates of up to 1600L per Ha for soil/root diseases such as Brown Patch, Ectotrophic Root Infecting fungi and Spring Dead Spot.




Technical Data Sheet.


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