Casper Turf Herbicide


Casper Turf Herbicide.

Casper Turf Herbicide is a highly effective selective post-emergent herbicide to control broadleaf weeds in turf and contains the active constituents Dicamba and Prosulfuron.


Dicamba is a popular, low-cost, environmentally friendly herbicide that does not persist in soils and shows little or no toxicity to wildlife and humans.

It is a selective and systemic herbicide that kills annual and perennial broadleaf weeds. It is absorbed by leaves and roots of plants and is translocated, and then inhibits the growth of buds, causes stem swelling, and eventually kills all plant tissues.

A benzoic acid, it is effective against Wireweed, Purslane, and Spurge. It also can be an effective control of Ground Ivy but does not control buckhorn or broadleaf Plantains well.

Dicamba is a highly volatile chemical that can damage non-target plant species through spray drift and/or volatilization. Injury to desirable broadleaf plants can occur from small amounts of dicamba residue in the soil or from a small amount of drift.


Uptake of Prosulfuron is via roots and leaves, and it translocates in both the xylem and the phloem to all parts of the target weed.

Prosulfuron is an Acetolactate Synthase (ALS) inhibitor. This means it cuts off the supply of critical amino acids plants need for the accelerated growth caused by Dicamba. This then starves the target weed of these desperately needed proteins. The combination of the two active ingredients leads to complete desiccation of the weeds.

Prosulfuron offers an excellent resistance management partner. It belongs to a different group (Group 2) so offers control of weed bio types that may have over time developed resistance or tolerance to commonly used broadleaf herbicides.

Dicamba is the faster working active, and and early results you see are due to this. Prosulfuron is works slower, but is extremely effective in delivering a complete kill. In combination they create a highly effective broadleaf weed control solution.

Getting the best results from Casper Turf Herbicide.

  • Casper Herbicide is a turf specific Broad spectrum selective post-emergence herbicide.
  • It is very effective against many broadleaf weeds including Creeping Oxalis, Dandelion, Wireweed and many more
  • Contains two active ingredients, including Prosulfuron, a new active for turf
  • Convenient water dispersible granular formulation with economical rates
  • If mixed with ProForce Recondo 100WG and ProForce Battalia 435 if gives a complete weed solution for turf
  • Quick systemic action (xylem and phloem) with root, shoot and leaf uptake


What Casper Turf Herbicide is good at.

Casper is excellent against: Bindii, Burr Medic, Cat's Ear, Creeping Oxalis, Chickweed, Cotula, Curled Dock, Dandelion, Fleabane, Khaki Weed, Lambs Tongue/Plantain, Pennywort, White Clover, Blackberry Nightshade, Milk Thistle, Subterranean Clover, and Wireweed.

What Casper Turf Herbicide is not so good at.

Dicamba is poor against:

Application Timing and Rates.

Casper gives high levels of control with follow-up applications only being needed if significant seed germination occurs after use.

For example, the rate range of 0.6-1.2 Kg/Ha ensures flexibility and economy against different weeds. Ideally use Casper Turf Herbicide when weeds are still actively growing and not towards the end of the growing cycle when plants are alive but not actively growing. Active growth is vital for Casper Herbicide to work properly.

Casper is taken up by leaves, shoots and roots of target weeds, so ensure any application thoroughly cover the leaves and shoots. You can wash Casper off the leaves and into the soil to promote root uptake for complete systemic action.

Mixing and Compatibility.

Casper is a water dispersible granule formulation (WDG) with minimal odour and does not stain. Casper mixes well with water and produces a homogenous easy to apply suspension.

Observe the mixing instruction for Casper with regards to the addition of a non-ionic surfactant.

What turf species can Casper Turf Herbicide be used on.

Casper can be used on most warm and cool-season turf species.

  • Warm Season Turf Grasses:
    • Carpet Grass
    • Couch
    • Established Bahia Grass
    • Kikuyu
    • Paspalum
    • Queensland Blue Couch
    • Zoysia
  • Cool Season Turf Grasses:
    • Bent Grass
    • Fescue
    • Perennial Ryegrass

Nb – Do not apply to Buffalo Grass.

Brand: Syngenta.

Pack Size: 1 Kg

Product Form: Granules

Activity: Post-Emergent

Mobility Type: Systemic

Active Ingredients: Casper Turf Herbicide contains 500g/kg Dicamba, and 50g/kg Prosulfuron.

Herbicide Group: Resistance Group 4 and Group 2.

Rate of Application: 0.6-1.2 Kg/ Ha.



Technical Sheet.

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  • When should I apply my lawn pre emergent?

    The best time to apply these products is in the early spring as this is before broadleaf weeds begin to grow. For grass weeds like summer grass apply later say in late spring or early summer. This weeds germinate later, so by applying your pre emergent later you will get longer control.
  • What is a turf herbicide?

    Turf herbicides, also known as weedkillers are pesticides used to control and manage undesirable plants. It is important that when you use a turf herbicide that you precisely follow the label directions. If you don't do this then the herbicide may fail to control the target weed, damage the turf grass or even prevent you from being able to reseed or re-turf damaged areas. Turf herbicides can be:
    • Selective or non selective. Selective turf herbicides are able to specifically target the weed without damaging the desirable turf grass. Non selective turf herbicides kill everything.
    • Pre emergent or post emergent. Pre emergent turf herbicides prevent weeds from growing and becoming and are used before weeds grow. Post emergent kill weeds after they have emerged.
    • Work against broadleaf weeds or grass weeds.